Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Catch up on 2012

Here's a brief catch up on 2012

Highlight of the year was making a 2nd English National final which was at Bewl Water in September. The 2 qualifiers went really well for me with a very fast limit at Rutland in May followed by 7 fish at Grafham in June. This put me in 2nd place overall so qualified for the final.
The National Final was a different matter altogether! Steve Ellerbeck and I travelled to Bewl on the Thursday evening and aft a bit of cockup with accommodation we headed for Bewl on the Friday morning for a practice day. We found fish and methods that worked and so retired to our B&B fairly confident we knew what to do.

Match day and the weather was completely different. Hardly any wind and a virtually flat calm greeted us. Well, to say I had a bad day! Lots of follows but not a single pull. Blanked!

Enough said about that.

Rest of the year was fairly quiet!

Back end of the season and I fished the Fur and Feather at Rutland without much success but December was the Grafham Fur and Feather. After a fruitless morning at the Seat with Steve and Chris we moved to Plummers where another 15+ anglers had also decided that was the best area! The wind turned NW and blowing into us and the onl way I could get a line out was with a Di5 sweep. A Hairs Ear and Pitsford Pea did the job and I took my 6 fish in 2 hours.

At the weigh in I had won by just 4oz.

And so ended 2012. Was counting the days down to 2013 opening day.

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