Monday, 16 March 2009

The New Season has started

The 2009 Grafham Season started on Sat 14th March.

I headed down to Plummers around 10.30 and was met with a full bank. Didn't seem to be any spots so knowing that Steve Ellerbeck and Chris Lane were on Gaynes Point I walked round to Join them. I met up with Peter Waterhouse so he walked round with me and we arrived just in time to see Steve playing his first fish. We stayed there till 3pm by which time Steve had 4 fish on the bank, I had had a couple of follows but no takes and Chris hadn't had a touch.
We moved to the South corner of Plummers by the dam but it was quite windy there and was like fishing in the North Sea. Didn't stop Steve and Chris landing fish but I still had nothing.

Thats the way it stayed for me. Steve got one more up in Gaynes Cove but I still didn't get a single pull. Trudged home dejected.

Went out again on Sunday afternoon to Plummers. Only a few anglers around so I dropped in next to a chap who was just landing a fish. "Black Buzzer" he shouted so I set up with a black buzzer on the dropper and a Diawl Bach on the point. Hooked into a fish after a few casts. Was I pleased or what. Especially after yesterdays blank. Another take a few casts later but this time it took off with speed and pulled the hook free. Another lost fish a few minutes later and I was starting to think that 1 was going to be it. Finally another good pull and I was in to another good fish. Just the 2 but beat the blank at last.

Got home early today from work, Monday, so nipped down to Perry Point for an hour. Did manage to hook a fish briefly but it shook the hook free.

Need to get plenty of practice in before 29th March, Troutmaster Fish Off. Working from home on Tuesday so with a NE breeze forecast an afternoon trip to The Stumps might be in order.

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