Sunday, 22 March 2009

A good start to the new Season

After the disappointing start on opening day things did get better.

Tuesday evening i nipped out after work and went to Hill Farm. I had planned to fish The Stumps as i had seen people catching there in the morning but decided to try Hill Farm Bay first.

Had 2 stockies quite quickly, 1 on a cruncher and one on a buzzer. All went quiet so I moved to Deep Water Point. Eventually picked up another fish this time on a Richard Kesek Buzzer.

I had a couple of hours yesterday. Started at Plummers but nothing doing there so moved to Gaynes Point. A couple of boats had drifted through there earlier but i didn't see them catch. One boat turned out to be Steve and Chris. I had moved to The Seat when they came motoring by. Chris had 1 from earlier in the day but Steve hadn't had a single pull all day.

I changed from a midge tip set up to a sinking line and 2 boobies. after about 30 mins I got a take and hooked into a nice fish. It had taken the orange booby blob on the dropper. A good scrap and in the net. Turned out to be 2lb 9oz so not a bad fish.

So, all in all a good first weeks fishing.

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