Monday, 3 November 2008

North Shore

Took the day of work today and had planned to have the morning fishing.

Started the day really early, in fact it was still dark at 6.00 when i got to Church Road. Eventually dawn broke and i walked around from Deep Water past Pylon Point and into Church Bay where Peter had caught 6 the day before. The breeze was from the north so i walked around Church Bay to Long Bank. Saw a couple of fish move so set up with an Orange Blob on the dropper and an appetizer on the point.
Just after 7.00 I had a fish follow the appetizer but it turned away. A few minutes later I had one on but it shook the hook, damn and blast!
No more fish showing so moved along the bank to Hedge End where again I saw a fish move. No offers though.

Damon was meeting me around 9.00 so I walked back to Deep Water Point, had a few casts saw one fish move but again to takes. Eventually decided it was worth moving to G so met Damon there.

Well, 3 hours later and not a fish to be seen. Despite the near perfect conditions, overcast skies, good breeze and a decent ripple the fish just didn't play the game.

3 Other anglers at G and no one catching and 2 guys on the stone jetty all morning had nothing to show for their efforts.

Always next time.

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